how to fire real estate agent

Firing someone isn’t a pleasant task. In the high-stakes world of real estate, sometimes it’s necessary. How do you know when it’s the right time to fire a real estate agent? Well, if they are making multiple mistakes that are costing you time and money, that’s your first sign. 20% of real estate transactions were unsuccessful due to ineffective agent-client relationships.

As a buyer or seller, once at your wit’s end, use these 5 empathetic ways to fire your realtor and move on.

How to Fire Your Real Estate Agent

is being a real estate agent hard

1. Face-to-Face Meeting

In 2024, human connection often takes a backseat. Everyone would rather text about difficult conversations, like firing a realtor, instead of doing it in person. When you are letting someone go from their position, you should do it face-to-face. Meet your agent in person and express your concerns honestly.

This face-to-face conversation shows respect for them and their efforts, even if they haven’t met your needs. Things can get lost in translation when trying to convey them via text message or email. Don’t fire your realtor over a text. At a minimum, call them. Ideally, meet them in person.

Also, consider meeting face-to-face when hiring a realtor. Finding credible realtors is easier when you meet them in person. It’s harder to fake it when right in front of a home seller staring them in the eyes.

2. Be Brutally Honest

Honesty is not only the best policy, but it also becomes your best friend when you need to fire your real estate agent. Clearly articulate why the relationship isn’t working. If it’s about their approach, communication style, or performance, be upfront. Lies can lead to fights and eventually legal action with an attorney, which you should avoid.

Remember, your feedback might help them improve their service for future clients. Just like the reviews we leave on Yelp or Google help others make informed decisions, your honest feedback will help your agent grow.

Plus, if you are brutally honest with your realtor, they may come back and put in extra effort to win you back over. Maybe they are the right agent for the home-buying or selling job! They just weren’t ready at that time. Be honest with your agent when firing them. It will leave both parties better off knowing exactly how everyone was feeling.

3. Keep it Professional, Not Personal

Maintain a professional demeanor when firing your real estate agent. While it’s okay to feel emotional, getting rid of your agent isn’t about their personality—it’s about their performance. Don’t lose your cool and get too heated. Communicate in a way that focuses on the business aspects of the relationship, rather than personal elements.

Similar to a divorce situation, emotions can turn arguments sideways. They get unproductive very fast if people get emotional. When deciding how to fire a real estate agent, keeping your emotions under control is important.

Make the conversation less confrontational and more about mutual growth. If the goal was to sell your house fast, and it didn’t happen, point that out. It’s not personal, it’s just business.

4. Propose a Mutual Agreement

In real estate, contracts are king. If you’ve signed an agreement with your realtor, you might be bound legally to work with them for a specific period. Either way, remember that real estate agents are people too. You would hope that, human-to-human, your agent would understand when things aren’t working out.

Discuss the possibility of a mutual release from the contract. This way, both parties can move forward without resentment or legal issues. If they can fulfill a few items that were initially agreed upon, outline that too. For example, if your realtor said they would market your property online, make sure that gets done before you cut ties. Either that, or they compensate you. And then you fire them.

5. Refer Them to Someone Else

Did you want to fire your real estate agent because they were just not a good fit? Maybe they are really good at their job but it didn’t feel right. Or, the realtor could have been great but too busy for you because their business is booming.

  • This is an example of when to fire your real estate agent and not feel that bad about it

Sometimes things just aren’t the right fit or timing. How can you fire a real estate agent in this situation?

Refer the agent to a friend after you fire them. That way, they can still earn business through you (just not directly). This firing solution can be a win-win situation for both you and the realtor. You can move on and find a different real estate agent that’s better suited to work with you. And they can work with someone else and eventually earn a commission.

NOTE: Don’t refer them to a friend if they are not good at their job. That is setting your friend up for failure. There is a reason that you want to fire your real estate agent. Think about your friend and the agent before marrying them.

Should You Really Fire Your Realtor?

When your agent isn’t meeting your expectations, don’t wait. Put you and your family as the priority. Fire them like it’s nobody’s business if you need to and find a better realtor!

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!”

Your needs matter. Don’t hesitate if your agent isn’t meeting the mark. Have high standards when buying or selling a house. It’s not like you need to sell a warehouse building in the middle of nowhere. Your realtor should be able to help you sell your home in a timely manner. If they can’t, don’t be afraid to fire them.

Nice Way to Fire a Real Estate Agent

hard to be a real estate agent

Firing your real estate agent isn’t personal, it’s business. You must make a professional decision based on your needs and the agent’s ability to meet them. Approach the process with empathy, honesty, and professionalism. They should understand if you’re not happy or goals haven’t been met. You can politely fire your real estate agent if they aren’t helping you reach your goals. They understand, more than anyone, that being an agent is a tough job and many don’t last. If you have to fire them, do what you gotta do.